Weaving ancient teachings into modern life using all of yoga: asana, meditation, pranayama, mantra and relaxation.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Winter Solstice Crystal Bowl Concert Event
Please come in comfortable clothes for some movement and bring a favorite pillow to relax (though there are many soft props you are welcome to use at the center). A $10 donation is suggested, but truly, whatever fits your budget or inspiration is welcome. Just come out and give yourself the gift of spacious wonder on the Winter Solstice 2009. If you are able, please r.s.v.p., or just come! Call 608-637-6950 for more information.
Winter Class Session Schedule is Ready! Free Class Week Jan 3rd - 9th.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Winter Schedule Coming Soon
Friday, October 30, 2009
Almost half-way through the Fall Session
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Substitute Update and Yoga Retreat`
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Studio Schedule Update and Some Subs Next Week
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Heading into Week 2!
Monday, September 28, 2009
First Regular Week of Classes
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Belly Dance Class Rocked Out!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Kathy's Yoga I-2 (Adv Beg) Class Session Syllabus
Yoga 1-2 Class Syllabus Instructor: Kathy O’Rourke
Tuesday 8:30-10 am & Saturdays 8 – 9:30 am
Fall Session: Vinyasa Krama-Wise Progression & the Science of Energy Management
There are 6 different sequences of poses in the style of yoga that I study with my teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker of Para Yoga. Each sequence has a distinctive energetic tone: Forward Bends, Back Bends, Laterals, Twists, Extensions and Inversions. This session we’ll explore the energetic goals and outcomes of each type of sequence focusing 2 weeks on each one to cohesively shift the energy of the body in a specific way. It's a great chance to be a scientist and make note of the affects of each practice and reflect on what sequence enhances your day in a particularly dynamic way.
Yoga is an energy management system and I’ll teach you about the 5 Major Vayus that direct energy in the body: Apana, Udana, Pran, Vyan, and Samana. Each of the 6 Sequences relate uniquely to the 5 Vayus. You’ll gain insight into how to shape a personal practice that is in sync with your prakritti – your unique balance of elements and energies.
In Tantra Yoga, we strive to be very efficient in our pursuit of mimamsa (liberation). Yoga is about connecting with your true Self and being balanced and steady in your life and in your breath. The tools to get there are energy mastery and witness consciousness so that you can see that you are a spiritual being having a human experience in every moment.
In Yoga 1-2, I assume you have the yoga basics and are ready to go to the next level in your practice and wish to gain a deeper understanding of yoga as a spiritual science. We’ll focus this session on refining foundational poses and smooth out transitions from one pose to the next. In terms of asana, I’ll incorporate more challenging poses into weekly classes which will move toward an Intermediate practice level such as the “S” series Sun Salute; balancing poses including ardha chandrasana (half-moon pose), virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3) and utthita padangusthasana (standing hand to toe pose); and inversions such as full-arm balance “L” pose at the wall.
Beyond asana, each week we will incorporate pranayama (breath techniques), bandhas (energy locks), visualizations, and meditations into every class.
The pace this session will be faster than in the past. We will begin with a short centering breath and a mantra from the yogic tradition and step right into practice. During holds and resting moments, I will elaborate on the thematic focus of each class. In this way, we’ll have time to properly integrate the practice at the end in Savasana and then enjoy the fruits of the practice during meditation at the end. I look forward to a rich and rewarding session with each of you!
Reflections on a Great First Monday
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tapestry Yoga is Open for Business!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Tapestry Yoga Center Website is Up and Running
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fall Schedule Almost Here!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
No Class 4th of July and New Studio Announcement
As I've announced in class, I am not teaching class this Saturday morning, July 4th. For those of you who were planning on coming and are enrolled in the session -- will you please email me back to let me know you were counting on that class running as a make-up or your regular class? I will put you down for a credit when I receive your email I also cancelled class July 6th and have that as a credit for all of you enrolled in the Saturday class. I appreciate your understanding and flexibility -- this family commitment arose after I scheduled the classes for the summer.
This marks the last of the scheduled summer classes and probably the last classes in the studio I have been renting from Carol Anne Kemen.
Starting in September, I am launching my own yoga studio on the second floor of the Landmark Center in room 203 which is easily twice as big as the space I have been teaching in. Beginning the week of September 20th, I expect to have a week of free classes offered by me and other local teachers to introduce a 12-week session of classes through December 19th. It is an exciting light-filled space with great floors and tremendous potential. I will be offering 5 classes and expanding my offerings to include a Beginner's Yoga I Class, Yoga 2 (which will be like my current Tuesday and Saturday class with more focus on backbends and inversions which I will systematically teach), a Gentle/Therapeutics Class, and Yoga Nidra. I also plan to offer some Saturday workshops to more deeply introduce meditation and pranayama as part of a complete yoga practice. All my classes will have a 10-15 minute meditation/pranayama piece at the end so that the deeper essence of yoga is offered in every class. To that end, I'll shorten the opening centering and get you moving within 5 minutes of the class start time.
I am eager to offer a deeper experiential range of yoga and opportunities to explore the full scope of yogic philosophy with more course offerings, workshops, and even a monthly book club. This is a great time to suggest other class TIMES -- your suggestions, feedback, insights are all very welcome. This past 8 months of teaching has been an extraordinary learning experience and I am always eager to improve your class experience. If you feel inspired to feedback on the quality of your Tapestry Yoga experience with a quick email, I'd deeply appreciate it - there's lots of room to improve and this would be a great time for me to hear it.
Other classes that will be offered in this space are Tai Chi, Nia, Yoga classes from other teachers and traditions and perhaps Akito, Belly Dance and African Dance -- I welcome teachers who are eager to teach -- pass the word. I will be publishing a newsletter in August with the full class schedule, so any ideas should come forward in July/early August. Please let me know if you have any class ideas. I have a business model that is very teacher-friendly to attract a dynamic, talented teacher base. Let me know if you want to teach something or have a suggestion of someone who might.
There's much to say on all this. I will be taking my certification exam in Para Yoga in August and September to complete and integrate my 8-years of study with my guru, Yogarupa Rod Stryker. This is an intense 3 week take home exam -- open book -- but it involves about 30 books and notes from 17 trainings. It is like completing a master's degree and will be a powerful way to integrate my understanding and practice and promises to take my teaching to a whole new level.
There is a lot to do to transform one of these Landmark rooms into a space clean and energetically clear for yoga -- your talents and suggestion; artistry and vision are all very welcome. I'll begin the lease September 1 and will be focused on renovating the space for 3 solid weeks. If you want to help out -- please let me know.
Enjoy the rest of your summer -- i look forward to seeing you in September. I may offer a class or two just to keep people moving yoga-wise. If I do, I'll send out a general announcement and will also post occasionally here on my blog.
Blessings to you all and thank you all for supporting this endeavor -- truly it is my soul's path and there is nothing more joyous than lining up with one's dharma. And there is no being a 'yoga teacher' without yoga students. So, I extend my most heartfelt gratitude to each of you.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Great Weekend in Chicago
WOW! Just came back from a really extraordinary weekend with my guru, Yogarupa Rod Stryker. I have been studying with Rod since February 2002 when my son Truman was one-year old -- I first went to one of his workshops because my local yoga teacher, Suzie Hurley, strongly suggested that those of us starting her teacher training should take advantage of his coming through our area. My first weekend was overwhelming, but deeply touching. I wish in hindsight that I had actually had more experience in yoga before I took his class -- I was new enough to it that I just figured his workshop was just what all weekend workshops felt like -- deep, powerful, multi-faceted journeys to deep meditation. It was the first time I had ever meditated and it was brilliant. This past weekend -- my 17th Rod Stryker Workshop - was brilliant, too.
Friday, June 5, 2009
No Class This Saturday June 6th
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Summer Session: May 26 - July 4th -- 6 Weeks
Monday, May 25, 2009
Great Spring Session
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Basic Right: The Right to Know
Bija Mantra: OM
Celestial Body: Uranus
Color: Violet
Developmentally: 12 & Up
Element: Thought
Goals: Wisdom, knowledge, spiritual connection
Guna: Beyond the Gunas - Transcendence of Time and Space
Major Psychological Life Area: Spirituality
Malfunction: Confusion, apathy, overly intellectual
Monday, May 11, 2009
6th Chakra, Ajna Chakra
Basic Right: The Right to See
Bija Mantra: Hum Sa
Celestial Body: Neptune
Color: Indigo Blue
Developmentally: 7-12 Years
Element: Light
Goals: Psychic perception, imagination, ability to see patterns
Guna: Sattwa
Major Psychological Life Area: Imagination
Malfunction: Headaches, nightmares, hallucinations
Monday, May 4, 2009
5th chakra and Sattwa
Basic Right: The Right to Speak and Hear Truth
Bija Mantra: So Hum
Celestial Body: Mercury
Color: Bright Blue
Developmentally: 6 - 10 Years
Element: Space and Sound
Goals: Clear Communication, creativity, resonance
Guna: Sattwa
Major Psychological Life Area: Communication
Malfunction: Sore throats, stiff neck, poor communication
Plane: Total evolution in will-power and strength
Yoga Path: Mantra Yoga
Thursday, April 30, 2009
NEW! Gentle Class on Wednesday Nights
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ayurveda Class Series Underway on Monday Nights
Monday, April 27, 2009
4th Chakra and Rajasic Sattwa
Basic Right: The Right to Love and Be Loved
Bija Mantra: Yam
Celestial Body: Venus
Color: Green
Developmentally: 3 to 6 Years
Element: Air
Goals: Balance in relationships and with self, compassion, self-acceptance
Guna: Rajas
Major Psychological Life Area: Love
Malfunction: Deficient: Isolation, low self-esteem, collapsed chest, shallow breathing, melancholy. Excessive: Codependent, care-taking, clinging behaviors
Plane: Peace, joy, compassion, and understanding
Yoga Path: Bhakti Yoga (devotional yoga)
Monday, April 20, 2009
3rd Chakra and Rajasic Sattwa
Location: Solar Plexus
Basic Right: The Right to Act
Bija Mantra: Ram
Celestial Body: Mars, Sun
Color: Yellow
Developmentally: 18 months to 3 years
Element: Fire
Goals: Vitality, strength of will, purpose
Guna: Rajas
Major Psychological Life Area: Power
Malfunction: Ulcers, timidity, domination, fatigue, digestive troubles
Plane: Attachment, pain, psychic center
Secondary Chakra: The Hands
Yantra: Dark purple petals and a red triangle
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Para Yoga Invocation
Monday, April 13, 2009
2nd Chakra and Tamasic Sattwa
Location: Tailbone, reproductive organs, lower abdomen
Basic Right: The Right to Feel
Bija Mantra: VAM
Celestial Body: Moon
Color: Orange
Developmentally: 6 to 24 Months
Element: Water (that flows)
Goals: Fluidity, Pleasure, Relaxation
Guna: Tamas
Major Psychological Life Area: Sex
Malfunction: Stiffness, sexual problems, isolation, emotional instability or numbness
Plane: Sexuality, likes, desires, and enjoyment
Secondary Chakra: The Hands
Yantra: Orange petal with a silver crescent moon