Please come to a Winter Solstice Celebration to Clear the 7 Chakras with a Crystal Bowl Concert by Rahbi Crawford tomorrow night from 6-8 pm at the Tapestry Yoga Center. We will begin with a dynamic participatory beginning with drums, hand instruments and movement to open up to the New Earth energy of Muladhara (1st) Chakra and then relax in supported restorative yoga postures to balance the 2nd - 5th chakras before coming up for a blissful seated meditation transforming the 6th, 7th (and 8th) chakras. These crystal bowls are deeply resonant and touch the soul -- so come celebrate this auspicious day with the gift of sound and raise your vibration as we head into the light and into the new year. No special skill is necessary for this event -- it is a concert with some optional movement and a chance to be super comfortable as you rest in an ocean of sound.
Please come in comfortable clothes for some movement and bring a favorite pillow to relax (though there are many soft props you are welcome to use at the center). A $10 donation is suggested, but truly, whatever fits your budget or inspiration is welcome. Just come out and give yourself the gift of spacious wonder on the Winter Solstice 2009. If you are able, please r.s.v.p., or just come! Call 608-637-6950 for more information.

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