Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tapestry Yoga Center Website is Up and Running

Today is my birthday (celebrating 42 years!) and at 3:00 a.m. today my website went live on the world wide web ---!  I just love the universe and how these things coincided.  Launching the Tapestry website (with an amazingly full and awesome schedule of classes and teachers) has been a lot like giving birth -- there have been days in the creation of the advertising that I've felt like I'm in "transition" the most intense and overwhelming phase of labor that immediately precedes pushing a baby out into the world -- if you've been through it, you will always remember it!  SO, it is with tremendous relief and a bit of bliss that today I am passing out brochures at the farmer's market and excitedly encouraging everyone to check out the website for a complete schedule of classes!

Just two weeks from tomorrow, FREE CLASS WEEK begins (Sept 20-26th) with Meg Newlin's Intermediate Led class on Sunday morning.  This week, the studio renovation phase is taking center-stage  with help tomorrow morning from Jim and Betsy Farrell (and any other volunteers).  There's much to clean and much to paint, so if you are inclined to do either one, I totally welcome your help--tomorrow or any other day this week.  Also, if you have any beautiful fabrics (including silks to cover the lights) or decorative items to offer to the space, they are also very welcome.  

Tell everyone you know to come check out what we're offering.  I have some great rack cards (brochures) -- 350 of them -- and could use help getting them into the hands of Viroquans.  My vision is 15 full classes the week of September 20th.

There are many people to thank for help so far -- Geri Shonka for design, Teo of Zumavi Design for the website (he's the one who was up at 3 am today), Anne O'Connor for editing help, Vicky Ramsay and Monica Woody for studio design and Dairyland Printing.  Thank you to my students who have supported this enterprise with their tremendous enthusiasm and also to my teachers, especially Suzie Hurley of Willow Street Yoga whose center is the template for TYC and also thanks to my spiritual guide, Yogarupa Rod Styker who ignited a spark within me to fulfill my dharma -- living purposefully, fearlessly and joyfully.  Truly this undertaking is fully supported and empowered by the teachings of the yoga tradition.

Fifteen days to lift-off!


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