Hello everyone,
As I've announced in class, I am not teaching class this Saturday morning, July 4th. For those of you who were planning on coming and are enrolled in the session -- will you please email me back to let me know you were counting on that class running as a make-up or your regular class? I will put you down for a credit when I receive your email I also cancelled class July 6th and have that as a credit for all of you enrolled in the Saturday class. I appreciate your understanding and flexibility -- this family commitment arose after I scheduled the classes for the summer.
This marks the last of the scheduled summer classes and probably the last classes in the studio I have been renting from Carol Anne Kemen.
Starting in September, I am launching my own yoga studio on the second floor of the Landmark Center in room 203 which is easily twice as big as the space I have been teaching in. Beginning the week of September 20th, I expect to have a week of free classes offered by me and other local teachers to introduce a 12-week session of classes through December 19th. It is an exciting light-filled space with great floors and tremendous potential. I will be offering 5 classes and expanding my offerings to include a Beginner's Yoga I Class, Yoga 2 (which will be like my current Tuesday and Saturday class with more focus on backbends and inversions which I will systematically teach), a Gentle/Therapeutics Class, and Yoga Nidra. I also plan to offer some Saturday workshops to more deeply introduce meditation and pranayama as part of a complete yoga practice. All my classes will have a 10-15 minute meditation/pranayama piece at the end so that the deeper essence of yoga is offered in every class. To that end, I'll shorten the opening centering and get you moving within 5 minutes of the class start time.
I am eager to offer a deeper experiential range of yoga and opportunities to explore the full scope of yogic philosophy with more course offerings, workshops, and even a monthly book club. This is a great time to suggest other class TIMES -- your suggestions, feedback, insights are all very welcome. This past 8 months of teaching has been an extraordinary learning experience and I am always eager to improve your class experience. If you feel inspired to feedback on the quality of your Tapestry Yoga experience with a quick email, I'd deeply appreciate it - there's lots of room to improve and this would be a great time for me to hear it.
Other classes that will be offered in this space are Tai Chi, Nia, Yoga classes from other teachers and traditions and perhaps Akito, Belly Dance and African Dance -- I welcome teachers who are eager to teach -- pass the word. I will be publishing a newsletter in August with the full class schedule, so any ideas should come forward in July/early August. Please let me know if you have any class ideas. I have a business model that is very teacher-friendly to attract a dynamic, talented teacher base. Let me know if you want to teach something or have a suggestion of someone who might.
There's much to say on all this. I will be taking my certification exam in Para Yoga in August and September to complete and integrate my 8-years of study with my guru, Yogarupa Rod Stryker. This is an intense 3 week take home exam -- open book -- but it involves about 30 books and notes from 17 trainings. It is like completing a master's degree and will be a powerful way to integrate my understanding and practice and promises to take my teaching to a whole new level.
There is a lot to do to transform one of these Landmark rooms into a space clean and energetically clear for yoga -- your talents and suggestion; artistry and vision are all very welcome. I'll begin the lease September 1 and will be focused on renovating the space for 3 solid weeks. If you want to help out -- please let me know.
Enjoy the rest of your summer -- i look forward to seeing you in September. I may offer a class or two just to keep people moving yoga-wise. If I do, I'll send out a general announcement and will also post occasionally here on my blog.
Blessings to you all and thank you all for supporting this endeavor -- truly it is my soul's path and there is nothing more joyous than lining up with one's dharma. And there is no being a 'yoga teacher' without yoga students. So, I extend my most heartfelt gratitude to each of you.

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