Weaving ancient teachings into modern life using all of yoga: asana, meditation, pranayama, mantra and relaxation.
Monday, September 28, 2009
First Regular Week of Classes
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Belly Dance Class Rocked Out!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Kathy's Yoga I-2 (Adv Beg) Class Session Syllabus
Yoga 1-2 Class Syllabus Instructor: Kathy O’Rourke
Tuesday 8:30-10 am & Saturdays 8 – 9:30 am
Fall Session: Vinyasa Krama-Wise Progression & the Science of Energy Management
There are 6 different sequences of poses in the style of yoga that I study with my teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker of Para Yoga. Each sequence has a distinctive energetic tone: Forward Bends, Back Bends, Laterals, Twists, Extensions and Inversions. This session we’ll explore the energetic goals and outcomes of each type of sequence focusing 2 weeks on each one to cohesively shift the energy of the body in a specific way. It's a great chance to be a scientist and make note of the affects of each practice and reflect on what sequence enhances your day in a particularly dynamic way.
Yoga is an energy management system and I’ll teach you about the 5 Major Vayus that direct energy in the body: Apana, Udana, Pran, Vyan, and Samana. Each of the 6 Sequences relate uniquely to the 5 Vayus. You’ll gain insight into how to shape a personal practice that is in sync with your prakritti – your unique balance of elements and energies.
In Tantra Yoga, we strive to be very efficient in our pursuit of mimamsa (liberation). Yoga is about connecting with your true Self and being balanced and steady in your life and in your breath. The tools to get there are energy mastery and witness consciousness so that you can see that you are a spiritual being having a human experience in every moment.
In Yoga 1-2, I assume you have the yoga basics and are ready to go to the next level in your practice and wish to gain a deeper understanding of yoga as a spiritual science. We’ll focus this session on refining foundational poses and smooth out transitions from one pose to the next. In terms of asana, I’ll incorporate more challenging poses into weekly classes which will move toward an Intermediate practice level such as the “S” series Sun Salute; balancing poses including ardha chandrasana (half-moon pose), virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3) and utthita padangusthasana (standing hand to toe pose); and inversions such as full-arm balance “L” pose at the wall.
Beyond asana, each week we will incorporate pranayama (breath techniques), bandhas (energy locks), visualizations, and meditations into every class.
The pace this session will be faster than in the past. We will begin with a short centering breath and a mantra from the yogic tradition and step right into practice. During holds and resting moments, I will elaborate on the thematic focus of each class. In this way, we’ll have time to properly integrate the practice at the end in Savasana and then enjoy the fruits of the practice during meditation at the end. I look forward to a rich and rewarding session with each of you!