Friday, October 30, 2009

Almost half-way through the Fall Session

Ladies and Gentleman,
Time is doing its thing and flying by -- we are in the 5th week of classes of the Fall session and the end of next week marks the half-way point in the session.  Be sure to take all of the classes you are signed up for and remember you can even do make-up classes in advance.  You can take any of our classes within this session which goes until December 19th for a total of the number of classes you paid for -- 12 classes for $108 or, if you pro-rated because you signed up late, that's your number.  But once December 19th comes, all class credits expire, so be sure to squeeze all your classes in.  It's fun to check out classes with different teachers.  The only one I would be cautious about dropping into at this point is Belly Dance as they are well on their way to creating a routine building from week to week.

I am back from a fabulous week with my teacher at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA. Although, I have a standard yoga training credential, Yoga Alliance 200 Hour RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher),  I am eagerly preparing to take a much more rigorous certification exam that my teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker, has put together to synthesize my years of study with him over 21 trainings in the last 8 years.  Completion of his Certification training will then qualify me for the 500 - Hour RYT certification as well.  This Guru Parampara training I just completed (for the second time) is the culmination training of his program and really inspired me as to the essence of yoga and our mission as students and teachers -- yoga is about living more joyfully and purposefully, guided by our connection to the soul -- purusha -- infinite source.   

On another note, I am excited that the African Dancers and Drummers are holding their monthly class at Tapestry tomorrow -- dancing from 10:30 - Noon and drumming from 12:30 - 2 pm.  Susan Nesbit is coordinating this special event (which is not an official Tapestry sponsored event) and it should be super fun -- $10/class or $5/class for students. Call Susan at 606-4566 to register.

And tonite is Halloween.  My kids are eager to get dressed and head off for the VFW PRWS 8th Grade extravaganza followed by a night of trick or treating.  Hope you all enjoy this holiday and all it's child-like joy.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Substitute Update and Yoga Retreat`

First of all, thanks to everyone who came out to Tapestry's very first workshop on Sunday:  A 3-Hour Complete Practice.  Finally, there was enough time to do everything on my list -- 2 hours of asana, 10 minutes of meditation; 20 minutes of savasana and 40 minutes of pranayama and more meditation.  It was an absolutely glorious day outside, the studio looked fantastic in the Fall light with a radiant tree outside the window and 9 beautiful souls came out to go deeply inside and touch in with their resplendent nature.  Thank you all.  We'll do these complete practices at least quarterly.

In just a few hours I leave for the airport to study again with my dear teacher and his teacher at the Himalayan Institute in PA (  I TRUST that all will go well while I am away both at TYC and at home where my dear mother-in-law has flown in to help with my kids this week -- God Bless her.  All my classes this week have wonderful teachers lined up to share their wisdom -- Adley Bertsch will sub my Yoga 1/2 and Gentle Classes; Meg Newlin will sub Yoga I; and Monte McPheron will lead the Wednesday morning meditation.  Thanks to each of them for offering to step in for me this week -- I am truly grateful. 

Blessings to everyone and I look forward to coming back to Viroqua completely energized, inspired and renewed by this week in retreat and deep study.  Much love!
Hari Om,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Studio Schedule Update and Some Subs Next Week

Things are running smoothly a few weeks into the Fall Session.  Most of the classes are growing adding a student or two each week and we are pro-rating classes for the session.  Also, enrolled students who want to take extra classes can do so for just $9 per class (versus the $12 rate for un-enrolled students to drop-in).  

Next week, I am traveling to a very special training with my Yoga teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker. The event is called Guru Parampara and is a remarkable opportunity to move more deeply into the teachings through his guidance -- here is a link that describes it more:

Parampara literally means "from one to another" so it is an initiation of prepared students to more deeply step into the teachings of this ancient lineage.  Very few teachers in this country have a direct lineage to a living master, so it is with a big sense of humility and enthusiasm that I accept this invitation to what will surely be an extraordinary week.  

A lovely young woman who grew up in this area, Adley Bertsch is going to sub my yoga classes and Monte McPheron will lead the Wednesday morning meditation class.

I'll post more soon.  Thanks to everyone for coming out to Tapestry!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Heading into Week 2!

Already it is feeling like we're settling into a good routine at the TYC as we head into the 2nd week of regular classes.  All the classes on the schedule are running except for two:  we are canceling Jon Passi's Monday night class due to low enrollment and also the Nia for Kids which we inadvertently scheduled opposite the popular gymnastics program downstairs.  Watch out for future Kids' Workshops in Nia since the gang who came out really had a terrific time during free-class week.  All the other classes on the schedule are definitely running, though it would be great to boost enrollment in all the classes.  

Classes can be pro-rated to enroll for the remaining 11 weeks for $99 and drop-ins for $12/class are very welcome.  Also, it is a great time to come out if you are new as we are teaching sequentially over the course of the semester and are starting at the beginning in all our classes and building on what we teach each week -- not to be missed!

Thank so very much to everyone who has enrolled for the Fall Session -- we are off to a terrific start establishing a true center for yoga, tai chi, belly dance and nia in Viroqua.