The 10-Week Spring Session at the Tapestry Yoga Center starts tomorrow, April 23rd through July 2nd. We have some fresh things on the schedule and offerings in Yoga, Belly Dance and NIA.
Monday Mix
Meg Newlin is offering a radical new class called the Monday Mix Yoga from 8:30-9:30 am for just $4 cash. It is a fresh format that stands on its own on our schedule -- you just show up with four bucks cash, roll out your mat before 8:30 and the music and flow begins. Promptly an hour later, your practice is complete and you are ready to begin your week. This is a popular way to practice in urban areas and promises to be a lot of fun. There is minimum instruction spoken in clear common english that will make sense to even new practitioners. Come out and check it out!
Class Offerings - Weekly Classes are $10 each for Enrolled Students. Make-Ups in any class (except Monday Mix)
Kathy's evening Yoga I & Meditation class is now on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:15 pm. This is a great class for new students or continuing practitioners focused on the whole yoga tradition. Kathy is also teaching a Yoga 1-2 (Mixed Levels) class on Tuesday and Saturday mornings -- healthy beginners are welcome to join these advanced beginner classes. All classes will included asana, pranayama (breathing), mantra and guided meditation linked into ancient wisdom.
Meg's Expanding Wednesday Yoga Level 1-2-3 (Mixed Levels: Adv Beg - Intermediate) will be a challenging and clearly taught class by a masterful teacher that will focus on deepening your asana practice. This challenging mixed level class is geared toward practitioners eager to expand their practice.
Belly Dance with Jess Leinberger is now on Thursday evenings from 4:30-5:45 and is a very fun time for beginners and experienced belly dancers. If you're a little shy, Jess will put you right at ease and have you dancing straight away.
Nia is still on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 -- this popular movement class is led by seasoned instructor Gayle Nielsen with great music and energy.
Find Your Life Purpose 3 Day Residential Retreat with Kathy O'Rourke: June 4-5-6, 2011. Take a step out of your daily routine and reflect on the meaning of life for a whole weekend. Not just on the meaning of life, in general, but specifically, the Meaning of YOUR Life. Happiness is directly related to a sense of purpose, connectedness, and deeper meaning, but all of this can get buried under the demands of daily life. We'll be nearby in LaCrosse at the Franciscan Spirituality Center where all of our meals and sleeping accommodations will be easily and economically taken care of. There are just 10 spaces available on this retreat and it will be based on the work of Kathy's spiritual teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker who she has been assisting in national workshops over the last 3 years. His book, The Four Desires will be published in July and we'll be using material based on this groundbreaking work. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of the yogic tradition, we will do some yoga asana, meditate, journal, do written reflections and spaciously contemplate our unique purpose and offering into the world. You will leave the retreat with a clear statement of purpose, a resolution for the next 6-18 months and greater insight into what has been holding you back and a clarity of how to bring the future in clearer alignment with your essence Self. More information will be published in May -- mark your calendars!
First Class Free for New Students from 4/23-5/13. To encourage new students to try a class at our studio, we offer your first class free during the first 3 weeks of our session. New students are defined as anyone (who lives locally) who is taking a class from a teacher for the first time.
Call me with any questions. Our brochure is available at the Co-op, the Driftless and the studio AND it is attached here, too. Please Join Us!