Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall Session Begins! September 27-December 19, 2010

An exciting 12-week session of classes begins at the Tapestry Yoga Center starting Monday, September 27th through Sunday, December 19th.  Our beautiful, bright and spacious studio is ready to welcome you with 11 classes to choose from in Yoga, Nia and Tai Chi.  

Much of the schedule from last year is the same -- Kathy and Meg's yoga classes are mostly the same; Monte's Tuesday night Tai Chi class is returning and Gayle's fun Nia (Joyful Movement/Dance) class is back on Wednesday nights.  There are two great new classes on the schedule for this Fall --  Beginners should jump at the chance to take Intro to Yoga with Meg on Monday mornings at 8:30 am.  This is the first time in 2 years that she's offering a foundations class and this is an EXCELLENT opportunity to take a class that will serve you for years as you progress in yoga with a solid understanding of the Universal Principles of Alignment in the cohesive Anusara yoga style.  For practitioners ready to take their yoga up a notch, Friday mornings there's now a  second Intermediate Led Yoga class with Meg that's coming on the schedule.  We have a wide-range of classes for all bodies and all levels.  See the complete schedule listed below.

This 12-week series is an opportunity to establish and support a regular practice of self-care.  Classes will run with a minimum of 6 enrolled students, so come out early in the session and sign up for a class for just $9 per week ($108 for 12 classes).  For the first three weeks (9/27-10/17), NEW LOCAL STUDENTS can take a FREE CLASS. New students are anyone who has not taken a class with a teacher before -- so if you've taken my yoga class in the past, but want to try Gayle's Nia class, come out and take one of her classes by 10/17.  You can do this with all the teachers that are 'new to you'  in the first 3 weeks.  We encourage you to check out what we're offering and welcome you to join us -- bring a friend along! 

Here is the Fall Tapestry Yoga Center Line-Up (It is also listed to the right on the blog).
Mondays 8:30-10 am Intro to Yoga Meg Abene Newlin
Tuesdays 8:30-10 am Yoga 1-2 (Advanced Beginners) Kathy O'Rourke
Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm Tai Chi Monte McPheron
Wednesdays  8:30-10 am Intermediate Yoga Meg Abene Newlin
Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 pm Nia (Joyful Movement) Gayle Nielsen
Thursdays 4:45-6:15 pm Gentle Yoga Kathy O'Rourke
Thursdays 6:30-8:00 pm Yoga I & Yoga Nidra Kathy O'Rourke
Fridays 7-8:45 am Intermediate Led Yoga Practice Meg Abene Newlin
Saturdays 7-7:45 am Meditation Kathy O'Rourke
Saturdays  8-9:30 am  Yoga 1-2 (Advanced Beginners) Kathy O'Rourke
Sundays* 7-9 am Intermediate Yoga Practice Meg Abene Newlin
 *No Led Practice on 10/3, 10/17, 11/7 or 11/28

Classes start Monday, September 27th so mark your calendars and come sign up! Please call mw with any questions at 608-637-6950 or email