Our Summer Session ended on July 11th and we have a very limited schedule this summer. Meg Abene Newlin will continue her Intermediate Led Classes on these dates: 7/24, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29, 9/5. There's a possibility that the 8/29 date will be canceled, so check the schedule for updates.
This summer, instead of teaching, I am deeply studying and preparing to take an advanced certification exam to become a Certified Level I Para Yoga Teacher in mid-September. I am also traveling out to the Colorado Rockies for a week at the end of August to study with my Teacher, Yogarupa Rod Stryker at a wonderful training called: Koshas -- Unleashing the Power of the Soul. Can't wait to do THAT!
So, keep up your home practices (or start one) and come back in September. We will kick off the Fall Session with a very similar schedule to this past year on September 26th. Classes will run for 12-weeks through December 18th. There will be no "Free Class Week" this coming year now that we're established, but everyone who is "new to a teacher" is welcome to take their first week free (i.e. if you've never taken Gayle's NIA class, come out and try it that first week for free).
Thank you again for an awesome first year and we'll see you in September!